In the midst of our busy packing up and moving, I haven’t had the chance to announce this on my blog yet, but Esther and I are moving to Sierra Madre, California, where I will be serving as the youth pastor as Sierra Madre Congregational Church. We are amazed at God’s kindness to us, as we feel that this is the perfect thing for us in many different ways. We are in the midst of driving across the country now, and will be very busy during our first few weeks there, so I won’t be able to post as much over the next few weeks. God has been very faithful and very gracious to us, down to the tiny details.
We’re driving through Oklahoma now, stopped for lunch at Panera. Esther is a great travel companion, and we’ve enjoyed the chance to talk and think together about life. Its also been super fun to see friends and family along the way, who are kindly letting us stay with them. My right ankle is tired because our truck doesn’t have cruise control, and since its been rainy most of the time I have sharpened my skills at choosing the right windshield wiper speed. Other than that, its been a pretty normal drive. Thanks for checking in. Back to the interstate now….
It is so, so satisfying to find just the right cadence of the windshield wipers vis-a-vis the relative frequency and size of the raindrops.
Ah yes. And nothing is worse than the scrape of rubber against glass when you’ve turned it up too fast.