“Given the rapid de-Christianization of Western culture, Truth Unites is just the kind of public witness that is needed in the church today—incisive and yet unifying, academically rigorous and yet broadly accessible. Christians seeking to commend our faith in today’s society and to go deeper into theology, church history, or the truth of the gospel will benefit from Gavin Ortlund’s exciting ministry.”
William Lane Craig
Professor of Philosophy, Houston Christian University, Founder, Reasonable Faith

“Gavin Ortlund’s Truth Unites epitomizes the work of the pastor as public theologian. Gavin speaks the truth in love and argues for it winsomely and convincingly. With its goal of looking back in order to move forward, Truth Unites may prove to be an important catalyst for a Great Rechurching.”
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“Truth divides, of course; it discloses where one’s allegiance truly lies, and constructs structures that demand loyalty to what God has disclosed even if the majority voices in any culture are determined to go in other directions. But as this ministry of Gavin Ortlund repeatedly shows, truth also unites. It calls men and women to a common confession of what is, of what God has disclosed, and in so doing knits their hearts and minds together.”
D.A. Carson
Distinguished Emeritus Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and president and co-founder of the Gospel Coalition

“Gavin Ortlund does apologetics in a tough-minded and warm-hearted way. His stout Protestant convictions come through, always couched, as 1 Peter 3:15 commands, ‘with gentleness and respect.’ Gavin’s work is a blessing to the Lord’s people everywhere!”
Timothy George
Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School

“I am excited about Truth Unites. Gavin Ortlund is one of the most dynamic and insightful voices articulating and defending the historic Christian faith and showing its profound relevance to our current moment. This ministry is sure to do important, innovative, and groundbreaking work both in its inward-facing role of serving the church by providing theological resources and its outward-facing role of giving a bold and attractive witness to God’s reality and power, holiness and love.”
David Baggett
Professor of Philosophy, Houston Christian University, Director of the Center for the Foundations of Ethics

“Gavin Ortlund is a gifted pastor and accomplished scholar whose educational ministry, Truth Unites, meets a need in the Christian apologetics YouTube world for offering informed and insightful knowledge of church history, theology, and biblical teaching from a Protestant perspective. Ortlund engages with questions past and present surrounding Christian faith and practice in a robust and respectful manner that is a welcome addition to the complex and necessary conversations taking place across the diverse landscape of Christianity today.”
Jennifer Powell McNutt
Franklin S. Dyrness Chair of Biblical and Theological Studies, Associate Professor of Theology and History of Christianity, Wheaton College

“In an age of fragmentation and polarization, Truth Unites calls us back to the foundational truths that bind us together. Gavin Ortlund has a remarkable knack for connecting academic theology and everyday faith with intelligence and warmth. Whether you’re a curious skeptic or committed believer, you’ll find Truth Unites a valuable resource that consistently delivers great content.”
Ken Keathley
Senior Professor of Theology, Jesse Hendley Endowed Chair of Biblical Theology, Director of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

“It is easy to lose sight of the fact that how we defend the Christian faith should itself be part of the defense. Through his work at Truth Unites, Gavin Ortlund keeps this in view, combining theological scholarship, pastoral sensibility, and a gracious yet firm style of communicating. He is doing the sorely needed labor of helping those who already trust Christ to grow deeper in their understanding and trust and those yet without the Savior to consider why his claims are worthy of their more serious consideration. I’m grateful for his study, instruction, and example.”
Keith W. Plummer
Dean of the School of Divinity, Cairn University

“Gavin meets every objection to Christianity with respectful curiosity, intellectual rigor, and a sense of humor. At a time when none of us are very good at talking with people who don’t share our own worldview, Gavin has a rare gift for laboring alongside doubters and skeptics in the common project of getting closer to the truth—and learning to live with the uncertainty that is always part of our mortal condition.”
Molly Worthen
Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“Gavin Ortlund stands out as a voice of sanity, clarity and charity in an online environment that can so easily be characterised by rancour, confusion and misrepresentation. I am so grateful for his diligence, his intellectual range and his loving approach to issues that Christians need to think carefully about.”
Andrew Wilson
Teaching pastor, King’s Church, London

Truth Unites is a vital ministry today. I am grateful for Gavin’s unwavering commitment to scripture, his willingness to address contemporary cultural issues, and his irenic engagement with others.
Sean McDowell
Associate Professor Christian Apologetics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

“Gavin Ortlund knows how to speak truth in love. I have long admired his skill of accessibly presenting complex apologetic arguments. He understands that apologetics presupposes a solid understanding of the theological tradition. He also understands that apologetic persuasion requires more than the illumination of the mind—the conviction of the heart and the stirring of godly desire. You will find here an approach to apologetics that is wise, patient, kind, thoughtful.”
Adonis Vidu
Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Theology, Director of the PhD Program, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

“Too much contemporary discourse behaves as if one must choose between zealous concern for the truth and a posture of charity towards those who disagree. I am grateful to Gavin Ortlund for creating space at Truth Unites for a different kind of conversation. Listeners from all different backgrounds can expect thoughtful and serious-minded engagement with questions that matter.”
David Luy
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, North American Lutheran Seminary

“There is no shortage of polarizing discussions in our current cultural moment. Through Truth Unites, Gavin addresses tough, relevant topics with pastoral kindness and scholarly clarity. He models disagreeing charitably while maintaining deep gospel conviction. I’m so grateful for this important work.”
Vanessa K. Hawkins
Director of Community Life, Redeemer Lincoln Square

“I am so encouraged by the ministry of Gavin Ortlund at Truth Unites. While our world has always had the need for good apologetics, Gavin expresses the truths of the Christian faith in such a clear and convincing manner and, at the same time, does so with winsomeness and grace. That combination is the key, and I am so thankful for it. I look forward to seeing how the Lord will bless this important ministry in the years to come.”
Michael J. Kruger
President and Samuel C. Patterson Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC