Recent Dialogues and Truth Unites Updates

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I’ve been continuing to blog less as I focus more on YouTube. Rather than sharing all of my recent interviews one by one, I thought I would compile them all in a blog post for anyone interested! From the bottom of my heart, thanks to all who support my ministry, whether via patreon or simply by engaging the videos.

First of all, atheist YouTuber Tom Jump invited me to a dialogue on the existence of God over at his channel. Thanks Tom! Our discussion is the first hour of this video:

Sean McDowell was kind enough to have me on his awesome YouTube channel to talk about two of the arguments in Why God Makes in a World That Doesn’t. I really like Sean and hope we can collaborate again!

The guys at The Remnant Radio invited me to talk about theological triage and my book Finding the Right Hills to Die On. I really enjoyed chatting with Joshua and Michael! One question I wish I had answered better in the rapid fire Q+A was on human sexuality: I do think that those issues often move into the “first-rank” category. It’s always tricky trying to say everything right when you’re reacting in the moment! I am looking forward to being on again with Joshua and Michael in March to talk about Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t.

Finally, I finished my own personal study of ecumenical issues with this video on justification. I had devoted 2021 to working through a series of issues involved in dialogue/debate between Protestant and non-Protestant traditions, and my last topic spilled over into January of this year. Here is the justification video:

I am looking forward to broadening my focus a bit more in 2022, emphasizing apologetics, cultural issues, and pastoral topics. I will still do “Protestant stuff” as well, it just won’t be as dominant a focus as it was in 2021. I really believe in the value of providing a Protestant voice on YouTube because it is often underrepresented. As a result, many people are being swayed by the arguments of Catholic and Orthodox apologists. So I will try to keep a foot in this space even while I venture elsewhere.

I’m also putting together a prayer and advisory team for Truth Unites, which I’m very excited about as a way to provide accountability and oversight for my ministry.

A longer-term goal I’m considering is offering monthly classes on particular topics. They would be designed for people already working full-time who want to learn more about a particular topic: say, the church fathers, or arguments for the existence of God, or Eastern Orthodoxy, etc. The classes would be conducted over Zoom so at to be available to anyone, anywhere. I’m not yet sure the classes would cost, but let me know if you think that kind of thing would be helpful to people.

I believe that there is a huge need in the church right now for renewal and “reconstruction,” and that part of that involves an intellectual deepening in the areas I try to engage: theological retrieval, apologetics, theological triage, etc. My hope for Truth Unites is that it would genuinely serve people wrestling in these areas, display winsomeness and integrity in the approach, and supplement what churches and seminaries and other Christian schools are already doing.

To celebrate reaching 10K subscribers, I will be doing a live Q+A next Friday, January 28th, at 1:00 PST.

I have all kinds of other long-term goals for Truth Unites I will share about another time!

To conclude, here are some of the videos coming out soon at Truth Unites:

  1. Advice for Mikhaila Peterson on Finding God
  2. 5 Questions That Point to God
  3. Theological Triage: What We’re Missing Right Now
  4. Climate Change: A Christian Perspective
  5. How to Make it Through a Difficult Season

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  1. Dr. Ortlund, I’d definitely sign up for classes especially if it’ll have assigned readings and discussion or Q&A session.

    Also it’ll be very fruitful if you could interview philosopher like Joshua Rasmussen to talk about his foundation theory and your book “Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t.”

  2. Hi,
    I think the classes sounds like a great idea!
    I would be interested in a class on the church fathers or orthodoxy. I have found the videos you have done on those subjects really interesting.
    I live in Sweden so I am not sure our timezones would align enough for me to take part. But maybe there could be some option for watching afterwards?

  3. A class on the Church Father’s would be helpful to me. A general introduction/overview would be particularly helpful as I have not done much reading on them myself. I work full time on the east coast so timing may be hard.

    1. Great to know! I will definitely do something like this. I will try to find a time that could work for different time zones. Might be a few months.