Fall Update


1969325_10103413672629530_9148709377288935143_nEsther and I are headed to Nashville this week for some much needed vacation time. Its been a very full and rewarding summer in the youth ministry. We’ve done several trips and lots of other events, and ‘m grateful to catch my breath before heading into our fall kickoff.

This month I’ve also started working at The Gospel Coalition as an editor. That means basically I am responsible for recruiting/writing 3 articles a week in the realm of Bible/theology or ministry. Its been a lot of fun so far. I love thinking about posts and series ideas that will edify the body of Christ. And its really meaningful to work for an organization whose goals and values you share.

I’ve also been studying French, my final language for my PhD, and then this fall I will take my final course, a directed reading on an article idea I’ve been wanting to write for a long time. Then in the winter quarter I will do comps, and in the spring launch into my dissertation.

We’ve got baby #2 on the way also, due February 2nd. So life is very full these days, and very rewarding. Life is a continual adventure. I’m grateful for all that God has given me to do.

But for now, its time to rest, journal, hang out with my Dad, and play with my son!

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