I really enjoying watching these 2005 interviews of my Grandparents. Thanks to my friend Mark Ellis for doing them. Its meaningful to hear their voices and see their personalities after they’ve gone to be with the Lord, and its inspiring to hear them share the story of this mini-revival on Wheaton’s campus back in the 1970’s. One of the comments that that I particularly appreciate here is my Grandad’s assertion at about 5:07 that “there was nothing weird about it—it was honesty.” Later he says, “it was happy—relief and release.” I think one of the reasons many well-meaning Christians don’t pray very urgently for revival is the misgiving, whether subconscious or articulated, that revival is weird, alarming, even scary. My granddad’s words are a reminder that just the opposite is true: revival returns us to normality, to the way life is meant to be lived. I hope this video will inspire more people to pray more urgently for revival in our day. As my grandmother puts it, “once you’ve seen that, you can never be the same again.”
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFPGR1UbkIQ&w=420&h=315]