Bonhoeffer (8): Ethics
Two of Bonhoeffer’s most loved writings are The Cost of Discipleship and his Life Together, but his magnum opus was his Ethics. As I was reading Metaxas’ summary of Bonhoeffer’s Ethics on pp. 468-472, it...
Read moreTwo of Bonhoeffer’s most loved writings are The Cost of Discipleship and his Life Together, but his magnum opus was his Ethics. As I was reading Metaxas’ summary of Bonhoeffer’s Ethics on pp. 468-472, it...
Read moreDietrich Bonhoeffer: “The Gospel is protected by the preaching of repentance which calls sin sin and declares the sinner guilty. The key to loose is protected by the key to bind. The preaching of grace...
Read moreMetaxas’ literary giftedness was one of the things that made this book such a great read. He is creative and original without being bombastic; he finds the right balance of writing “freely” but not self-consciously...
Read moreThis is Bonhoeffer’s poem “Who am I?,” written in prison at the end of his life. Who am I? They often tell me I stepped from my cell’s confinement Calmly, cheerfully, firmly, Like a squire...
Read moreThe concept “religionless Christianity” has become closely associated with the name of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. On pp. 465-468, Metaxas shows how many have hijacked this phrase to make Bonhoeffer a prophet of their own movement or...
Read moreI finished Metaxas’ Bonhoeffer biography a few days ago. One of the things that will stay will me is how adamant Bonhoeffer was that the church stand up for Jews in Germany in the 30’s. ...
Read moreHad some long flights this weekend, which enabled me to plow through most of the rest of Eric Metaxas’ Bonhoeffer biography. Such a great book. God is changing my life through this book. By seeing...
Read moreMy current reading project for the spring is Eric Metaxas’ biography of Dietreich Bonhoeffer. Eric came and spoke at our church a few weeks ago. He’s a great speaker (very funny), and a talented writer,...
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