Why Study Anselm?
For the past four years, I’ve been pursuing a PhD in historical theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. I graduated this past Saturday. The whole experience has been very rewarding, and I’m grateful that the Lord...
Read moreFor the past four years, I’ve been pursuing a PhD in historical theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. I graduated this past Saturday. The whole experience has been very rewarding, and I’m grateful that the Lord...
Read moreI’m reading a lot of Anselm these days for my current PhD reading. This is one my favorite Anselm quotes. I think it so helpfully captures the attitude appropriate for theological defense and disputation. “If...
Read moreA question that has emerged for me in the final few weeks of my atonement seminar is this: is it possible to affirm both an Irenaean/Athanasian view of Christ’s birth (recapitulation) as well as an...
Read moreI’m about half-way through Barth’s Anselm book. Barth is the theologian I am reading in 2011. Next year it will be Augustine. I’ve chosen Barth because I learn from engaging with him, though where he...
Read moreSome reasons why Barth’s Anselm book interests me as a book to focus on this year: 1) Barth sees Anselm as an especially important and relevant theologian. He calls him “one of those phenomena which...
Read moreSince graduating seminary I’ve been doing some personal study projects to keep learning. My initial triad was Christ’s resurrection (systematic theology), Hebrews (Bible), and Anselm (historical theology). I started a new triad during the summer...
Read moreDivine simplicity means that God is not composed of different parts, but utterly whole and indivisible. Its opposite is not “complex” but “composite.” To affirm divine simplicity is to affirm that each of God’s attributes...
Read moreIf the Lord in his kindness were ever to grant me the opportunity to pursue doctoral studies in theology, the dissertation I would like to pursue (at least these days) would be something like: “An...
Read moreWhen I was in college, I did some studies on St. Anselm (handsome fella wasn’t he?), particularly his book Proslogion, where he develops the so-called Ontological Argument for God’s existence. Its very difficult for me...
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